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“Workshop and Symposium” will both be together at the event. In this context, a workshop will be held on the first day of the event under the title of "Digitalization and the New Economic Order". In the following days, the symposium program will be held.

It has published the results of the 2021 Digital Economy and Society Index (DETE), which tracks progress in digital competition in European Union member states in the areas of human capital, business integration of digital technologies and digital public services. The reports, which mostly include data from the first or second quarter of 2020, provide some insight into the important developments in the digital economy and society in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, although there is no information on the impact of COVID 19 on the use and supply of digital services and the consequences of the policies implemented in this direction, it is clear that the impact of digitalization will continue in all other areas, especially in the economy, and this situation will be more visible in 2022 and beyond. This situation was effective in determining the main theme of the workshop as "Digitalization and the New Economic Order".

In this context, the economic and social effects of emerging trends in new digital production technologies, their effects on national economies and global economic systems, and the role of policy in steering the digital revolution in a socially desirable direction will be discussed. Digital technologies will also play a role in determining the evolving international economic division of labor through, among other things, their impact on global value chains and thus the future position of developing countries in the global economy. In this context, the workshop will also link to the current debates around “late development” and “early deindustrialisation”.

Within the scope of the event, a symposium will be held on the second and third days. In this direction, presentations will be made on academic studies in the symposium program. The symposium program is planned to be held face-to-face and online. Accordingly, the presentations to be made in the face-to-face sessions will be held in the conference hall and classrooms of Bayburt University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

Acceptance Process

Papers can be presented in Turkish and English. The theme and topics of the symposium are determined below. However, studies in the fields of business, economics, finance, political science and public administration will also be accepted.

Below are detailed evaluations of the evaluation criteria for the event:

  • Each of the papers uploaded to the system is reviewed by the relevant field coordinators and sent to at least 2 referees related to the subject from the pool of professors in the predetermined scientific committee.
  • After the evaluations of the referees are completed, a decision of acceptance or rejection is made for each of the papers, taking into account the reports of the referees.

Evaluation process

The event will be refereed. Papers will be evaluated by the Scientific Evaluation Board. Members of the Congress Organizing Committee responsible for scientific evaluation will subject the papers to preliminary evaluation by the Scientific Evaluation Committee before entering the referee evaluation process. In the preliminary evaluation, the papers that are not written in accordance with the Paper Writing Rules will not be included in the referee evaluation process and will be sent back to the author/authors for rearrangement. Papers that pass the preliminary evaluation process will be sent to two referees in the Scientific Evaluation Board for evaluation. As a result of the peer-review, the papers that are rejected or requested for correction will be sent to the author/authors if they request referee evaluation reports. During the evaluation process, the papers to be presented at the symposium will be evaluated by two blind referees by the committee, which will be composed of professors from the scientific committee. Accepted papers will be announced before the symposium date.

Publication Process

The full texts of the papers that have met the conditions will be included in the publication process in the journals listed below. The full texts of the papers that complete the refereeing process of the journals will be published. Papers written in the main theme of the event will be included in the publication process for the special issue of the Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies. (In order for the papers to be published, they must be presented at the ISABMER symposium. Papers that have not been presented will not be included in the publication process. Full text papers must be sent in the writing rules and format of the journals.)

Event Theme and Topics

  • Event Main Theme

    Digitalization and the New Economic Order

  • The current position and future of the Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences
  • Blockchain and Central Banks, Its Impact on Monetary Policies
  • Global Migration, Refugee Crisis and Its Economic Impacts
  • Renewable Energies, Growth and the Climate Crisis
  • Economic Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Globalization, Poverty and Income Distribution Inequality
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Governance, Economy and Finance
  • Financial Technologies (Fin-Tech): A New Era in Financial Services
  • International accounting standards and comparison with practices in Turkey
  • New trading strategies for the world economy
  • Next Generation Consumers and Their Lifestyles
  • New Technologies in Marketing: Augmented and Virtual Reality, Big Data, etc.
  • Remote Working & Virtual Teams: Advantages/Disadvantages & Challenges
  • The Future of Public Administration
    - Reform in Public Administration
    - Strategic Management,
    - New Management Strategies,
    - City Management,
    - Environmental Management,
    - Waste Management,
    - Migration Management and Social Inclusion Policies,
    - Disaster Management,
    - Crisis management,
    - Outbreak Management,
    - Global Governance in International Relations.
  • Public Policies
    - Regional Studies,
    - Democratization and Human Rights,
    - Foreign Policy Studies,
    - Migration Studies,
    - Security,
  • Politics and Democratization
    - Comparative Political Institutions,
    - Civil Society Studies,
    - Political Behavior and Elections,
    - Political Changes,
    - Political Philosophy and Political Thoughts,
    - Social Justice,
    - Gender,
    - Social Movements and Political Changes,
    - Turkish Politics,
    - Poverty and Social Exclusion,
    - Political Structure in Turkey,
    - Political Identity and Representation,
    - Digital Politics,
    - New Social Movements,
    - Regional, National, International Political Crises,
    - Women and Politics,